Meet Mrs. Adams!

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Published on: February 8, 2024

Mrs. Adams reading up on the rules.

New year means new people! Every year the Eagle Eye publishes an article so that students can learn more about the new teachers who have come to NCAI. Some of you may already know Mrs. Adams, either because she is your science teacher or you have seen her around. If you haven’t met her, or just wish to know more about her, here is a chance to learn more about her! 

Can you introduce yourself to the NCAI community?

My name is Kate Adams. I’m married with two boys, Jakob (5th grade) and Josiah (2nd grade). I’m from the US Midwest and have lived around Lake Michigan my whole life. I enjoy spending time with my family, camping, hiking, baking, and watching sports. 

Do you have a goal you wish to accomplish this school year?

This year it’s my goal to get to know all the students better and get comfortable with what I’m teaching. I already know some people and have taught some of these things, but I hope to be able to develop meaningful relationships with my students to help them grow, and teach them amazing things about God’s world!

Where were you before coming to this school and what were you doing?

I taught middle school (6th and 7th grade) science for 12 years before moving to Nicaragua, and for the last 2 years I was teaching 5th-11th grade advanced English at NCA Nejapa.

What made you come to Nicaragua? Why did you decide to come to NCAI?

We moved to Nicaragua because my husband felt God calling him to leave his job and do something new. We weren’t sure what we were supposed to do next, but threw around the idea of moving somewhere out of the country for a bit. When we talked to my sister-in-law, who has lived here for 20 years, she said, “We would love to have you down here!” and God opened all the doors for us to be able to come to Nicaragua! I decided to apply for a job at NCAI because I really enjoy teaching science and it was also an opportunity for me and my boys to all be together at one school on one schedule again.

When and how did you find your passion in science?

I think my passion for science stems from all the time I spent outdoors as a kid and my love of fun facts. There are so many amazing things in God’s creation to see and learn about, I really just find it fascinating! I’m a naturally curious person, and I found that in science I could always ask, “why is that?” and learn new things.

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go and why?

Right now I would love to go back to the States and meet my brand new niece, Phoebe!

Is there anything else you would like to share or tell the NCAI community?

Thanks for welcoming me and helping me to adjust to teaching here at NCA International!

About Maria Renee Solano 6 Articles
Hello! My name is Maria Renee Solano and I am in 10th grade. My hobbies are drawing, reading and playing guitar.