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Published on: October 27, 2016

Many of us hear about Islam, but do we really know what it is? Islam is a major religion with more than 1.5 billion followers (Christianity has 2 billion) and can be found throughout the world. Even in Managua, we have a mosque located close to the LaSalle School near the Pista Suburbana.

Followers of Islam are called Muslims and believe in Allah, their one true God. This is similar to Christianity because we also believe in one God. The difference is that Muslims do not believe in the Trinity because they believe it is polytheism. Unlike Christians, Muslims believe that man is born without sin. They can overcome sin by submitting to Allah.

Similar to Christians, Muslims believe that man is judged by their God, in this case Allah, and he will determine whether they enter heaven or hell. However, Muslims believe in the Five Pillars and use that to judge man. These are: pray five times a day, give money to the poor, go to Mecca once in their lifetime, fast during the month of Ramadan, and recite the Testimony of Faith.

Muslims have a prophet called Mohammed. He is considered the last and greatest of the prophets. Unlike Jesus, he is not the son of God. Followers of Islam believe that Jesus is only a prophet.

Just as Christians have the Bible, Muslims have the Quran. They also read the Gospel of Jesus and the Five Chapters of the Old Testament and the Psalms.

One of the most holy times is Ramadan. It is the ninth month of the Muslim Lunar calendar, so it changes from year to year. This year, it started on June 6, 2016, and ended on July 7th. This is a time for self-reflection, and Muslims are expected to fast during the daylight hours. This means no eating or drinking. This teaches them self-control and discipline and allows for devotion to God. At the end of the day, they have prayer and can eat. During the time of Ramadan, Muslims pray and visit the Mosque.

There are many differences between Christians and Muslims, but there are also some similarities. We can see that they are devoted to their god, they have a holy book, they have a major religious holiday, and they also pray and care for their community.