Archived: The Speaker Behind the Message - Archived

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Published on: February 8, 2017

“Shame is a chain, love is a hammer”. These were the words that came from David Russell, former NCAI teacher, as he preached during Spiritual Emphasis Week. These were the words that impacted many lives, including mine.

This phrase was also the theme of week. Beginning last Wednesday, Mr. Russell gave several messages about the topic of shame, and why it keeps many people away from Jesus. These words were received openly by the audience, not only because of the message, but because of the speakers.

Because I have only attended NCAI for a year and a half, I never knew Mr. Russell personally. However, when we got the news that Mr. Russell would be the main speaker for Spiritual Emphasis Day, I didn’t need to know him to understand that he was highly respected and held in high esteem by the student body. Looks from fear to awe passed throughout the room, and I knew that this would be a good Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Mr. Russell’s message was extremely relevant to the crowd. Shame is something everyone deals with, whether we want to admit it or not. People were challenged, and they responded. They responded to Mr. Russell, but more importantly, they responded to the one who was speaking through him. Yes, Mr. Russell is basically a legend in NCAI, but it was Jesus speaking through him that made people respond. This was what made the message so powerful. It wasn’t just the message itself, but the spirit behind the message. 

Spiritual Emphasis Week was a powerful week. Many students grew through Mr. Russell’s messages and the sessions given by other adults. Because they were willing, Jesus used the speakers to speak into our hearts.

Photo: students having a self reflection time as they write down their thoughts on different questions related to the theme.