Sports Superlatives

And that’s a wrap to the 2024 soccer and volleyball season! We had many good games and great moments as teams and as a school community. As a fun way to end the season, here are some sports superlatives for each team. All athletes got a form to vote for their peers and whoever had the most votes won. 

  1. Most likely to stay an hour after practice:

Girls soccer: Belén Starkenburg  

Girls volleyball: Ashley Hernandez 

Boys varsity soccer: Abdias Gutierrez 

Boys JV/middle school soccer: JJ Partington 

  1. Most likely to stay positive the whole time:

Girls soccer: Marie House 

Girls volleyball: Lily Strong

Boys varsity soccer: Tied between Mason Farrington, Jenner Martinez, and Alvaro Berrios 

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Micah Bachert

  1. Most likely to have the best celebration:

Girls soccer: Hanelly Peralta 

Girls volleyball: Marcella Fajardo

Boys varsity soccer: John Lim

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Diego Bendana 

  1. Most likely to become a coach:

Girls soccer: Janieth Martinez 

Girls volleyball: Mae Ippel

Boys varsity soccer: Abdias Gutierrez

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Diego Bendana

  1. Most likely to eat a whole pizza before a game:

Girls soccer: Tied between Charlotte Ippel and Elise Holtrop

Girls volleyball: Olivia Strong

Boys varsity soccer: Rolando Vado

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Bruno Valenti 

  1. Most likely to play professionally:

Girls soccer: Janieth Martinez  

Girls volleyball: Mae Ippel

Boys varsity soccer: Abdias Gutierrez

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Steven Hernandez 

  1. Most likely to shout at the referee:

Girls soccer: Samantha Gutierrez 

Girls volleyball: Helen Van Aalsburg 

Boys varsity soccer: Jenner Martinez 

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Samuel Vado

  1. Most likely to get in a fight with the opponent: 

Girls soccer: Hanelly Peralta

Girls volleyball: Olivia Strong

Boys varsity soccer: Abdias Gutierrez

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Samuel Vado

  1. Most likely to become besties with the coach: 

Girls soccer: Tied between Samantha Gutierrez and Miriam Camarlinghi 

Girls volleyball: Tied between Natalia Jurgenson and Ashley Hernandez 

Boys varsity soccer: Tied between Jenner Martinez and Abdias Gutierrez 

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Diego Hernandez 

  1. (soccer) Most likely to get a red card:

Girls soccer: Hanelly Peralta 

Boys varsity soccer: Tied between Jenner Martinez and Abdias Gutierrez 

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Larry Sequiera 

      10. (volleyball) Most likely to get all their serves in:

Girls volleyball: Mae Ippel

  1. (soccer) Most likely to score a goal: 

Girls soccer: Belen Starkenburg 

Boys varsity soccer: Abdias Gutierrez 

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Diego Hernandez 

      11. (volleyball) Most likely to save a shanked ball:

Girls volleyball: Natalia Jurgenson 

  1. (soccer) Most likely to kick the ball at the referee:

Girls soccer: Tied between Samantha Gutierrez and Elise Holtrop 

Boys varsity soccer: Mateo Guerrero 

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Larry Sequeira 

      12. (volleyball) Most likely to do all the cheers:

Girls Volleyball: Tied between Olivia Strong and Lily Strong

  1. (soccer) Most likely to hit the crossbar multiple times before scoring:

Girls soccer: Tied between Janieth Martinez and Belen Starkenburg

Boys varsity soccer: Mateo Guerrero

Boys JV/middle school soccer: JJ Partington

     13. (volleyball) Most likely to forget their knee pads at home:

Girls Volleyball: Tied between Marcella Fajardo and Natalia Jurgenson 

  1. (soccer) Most likely to lose a ball during soccer practice:

Girls soccer: Samantha Gutierrez 

Boys varsity soccer: Tied between Mateo Guerrero or Peter Atha

Boys JV/middle school soccer: Nahum Urbina