Archived: Fiestas Patrias - Archived

On September 13, 2017, Nicaragua Christian Academy International had the pleasure of celebrating the 196th anniversary of Central American Independence. The Festival Cultural Nicaraguense was packed with performances ranging from kindergarteners to seniors and even faculty members.

Some of the new additions to the program include the first ever presentation of the declamation club and the mothers’ dance. The declamation club presented one of Ruben Dario’s most iconic poems “La Marcha Triunfal”. The  mothers demonstrated their dancing skills in  their dance “El Malinche”. Also, during the program the senior class of 2018 said goodbye to their last fiestas patrias with their dance “El Solar de Monimbo”

The program was accompanied by classroom presentations from students from 1st grade to 10th grade. These presentations portrayed the entire central american history from the pre-columbian times to independence.To finish off the day, the NCA families shared a classic Nicaraguan lunch in campus.

This Festival allows to learn more about the culture of the beloved country we call home, and it is one of the ways NCAI celebrates its extremely diverse community.