Archived: Ultimate Frisbee: More Than Just a Game - Archived

From one-time tourists, to full-time residents, children to adults, men to women, and North Americans to Africans, ICF ultimate frisbee has attracted a wide range of people to its field. These pick-up games started when a group of members with a passion for the sport from International Christian Fellowship came together to create a family friendly environment in which athletes of any age or gender could come and enjoy healthy competition. The ultimate frisbee pick-up games started small, but grew to have up to 30 people playing the game.

Credits to Katie Brokaw

The games happen every Sunday, starting at 3:00 pm and going to 5:00 pm, and are open to anyone who wants to play. The result is a wide variety of players, from all around the world. Such diversity has included backpackers traveling from Argentina up through Latin America to local Nicaraguans. This unique, multi-cultural experience is a great way to get connected to new people. Also, the wide range of ages breeds a unique type of unity that isn’t usually seen in other pick-up games.

Overall, ICF has created an environment where families can come together and play a game of competitive ultimate frisbee, creating a unique experience that unifies a diverse group of people. So if you’re looking for a fun, friendly way to get connected and exercise, ICF’s Sunday pick-up ultimate frisbee is perfect for you.

For more information, go to, or to International Christian Fellowship’s facebook page.