Archived: Introductory Piece - Archived

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Published on: October 27, 2016

Welcome Eagle Eye reader! The editorial team wants to extend its most cordial and warm regards to you all who take the time to read this wonderful assortment of articles that comprise our first edition this year. We hope and expect that our humble labor bears some fruit in the form of your enjoyment and intellectual diversion. There certainly is variety to cater to your different tastes and preferences: from literature to practical advice, we expect that at least one of our pieces will catch your eye. In a world that is growing increasingly weary of books and of anything that involves reading for a decent amount of time, we feel that our mission as an outlet for written expression is extremely important.

Literature is one of the oldest and most profound human pursuits. It is a unique and essential form of communication. To put in other terms, there are some truths that escape even the most candid speech or conversation; there are some nuances that can only be conveyed from the safe anonymity of a pseudonym.

Not to bog you down with any more ramblings, we leave you with some matters of etiquetteperfunctory reminders for smart and sophisticated people like you. The Eagle Eye takes its cue from the NCA code of conduct on matters of respect and civility. Thereof, we do not allow any profanity, gossip, or destructive language of any sort, in our articles or in the comments section. There’s nothing left for us to say other than we hope you have a great time with our publication. Happy reading!