Archived: What Kind of Education Will Take You Further – Anonymous - Archived

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Published on: June 8, 2016

When my parents were my age, they went to very strict schools, where they mostly memorized numbers, facts, and events. They were also put under strict discipline regimens. Both of my parents claim that their experience in high school helped shape them into the people they are today, but is this the ideal way for children to learn?

In today’s age, education is much different. We no longer get hit in front of our classmates for saying the wrong answer, and we no longer give more importance to posture than to math. However, we can still see many instances around the world  where students spend their whole day memorizing things instead of being taught to think for themselves.

This is a topic that can lead to heavy discussions. This is due to the fact that there is high diversity in the styles of education that children receive. Although you may not think that this is an important thing, it affects you directly, and will affect your children in the future.

So, what is more important, disciplined learning or creativity? What we should strive for is a style of education that is a balance of both. Why? When we are older, as professionals, we need to have two skills. One of those is the discipline developed after years of hard work, and the other is the ability to think outside the box. If you are only a disciplined worker, you might stay stagnant in your work, and if you are a only a creative thinker, you might not have the discipline to put your good ideas to use.

As a student, I would like to encourage you to begin thinking about these things, because you do have an impact when it comes to the quality and style of education that we receive, and that our children will receive in the future. Be it your vote, your verbal words, or whatever it may be, you do have a say in this issue.