Archived: How Long Have you been at NCA? - Archived

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Published on: November 25, 2015


  1. Mr. Fajardo taught you P.E.

Fajardo, Edgard

…and he let you wear his straw hat.

  1. You listened to Mrs. Sonia tell you about about her hair routine… at least once23511_356390552275_5468451_n

…or heard her talk about her “third quinceañera.”

  1. You went to MACHOMAN180159_10150107734047276_583978_n

…and saw Cassidy smash through a stack of blocks.

  1. You were put into jail or put someone else into jail during the festival

…and had the mug shot to prove it.

  1. You knew Miss Loftsgard as a student before she became a teacher1928949_21142565496_5955_n

…you actually think of her as Erika in your mind to this day.

  1. Mrs. Garcia taught your art class in elementary
    …you knew her by Miss Hubers (Bonus: you can name everyone else in this picture).
  2. You had Drama as an elective in Middle School
    …or were jealous that you didn’t.
  3. Miss Franklin was your first grade teacher26441_376975477275_6472858_n

…and she made you a tour guide on Zafari Day.


So… how long have you been at NCA?


  1. Some of us are old enough to go even farther back than any of these options!
    –when NCA was small enough that 4th/5th/6th grade was one combined class!
    –when all the teachers shared one computer in the office!
    –when the parking lot was not paved and on rainy days we had to run kids to the bus, under umbrellas, in the mud!

    Fun times for sure! It is such a testimony to God’s work in Nicaragua to see how the school has grown.

  2. I remember when NCA was a house and I had the honor in having Ken & Teresa Nicely as my teachers back in 1992. The house was located in the neighborhood of Altamira and I remember over the years on how we eventually moved to the new location in Carretera Vieja Leon.

    It’s good to see how NCA is growing!

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