Dive into a collection of love poems by the very talented 9th graders.
On Love
By: Nina Kirby
Love as one knows is a powerful thing,
It makes a brain think,
a heart want,
a spirit sing.
Love is bright as a summer’s day,
light as a cloud,
joyful as kids at play.
Love makes,
and love breaks,
making you rise higher,
Love is a fire.
The ride is crazy,
but the flame is stubborn,
shining brightly,
Love is not hazy.
Love is a riddle,
with little direction,
Love makes you go mad,
For Love is an infection.
But it also makes you feel,
For love is strong,
And love is real.
Chasing the Forbidden
By: Miriam Diaz
Love is gentle and sweet
It does not falter it does not fail
But your love fails
It is far away
Your love is prohibited
My soul searches for you
but it doesn’t find you
My hand reaches out for yours
but your hand is far away
it does not hold my hand back
I desire to be next to you
to feel your warmth
your heart
your soul
to see you whole
I cannot see you
My body aches for yours
but it is not allowed
to see the one person I most love
but I am not allowed.
Love Poem
By: Josias Medina
Love is like a rose so bright,
Growing stronger day and night,
It’s in the hugs, the laughs we share,
A feeling that shows we care.
Love is kind, love is true,
Love is family, love isn’t mute,
Love is mutual too,
It’s in everything we do
By: Hanna Van Aalsburg
A little flame lighting up a room
two hearts
one beat
the quiet touch of hands
eyes that speak
a thousand words
A flourishing hope
Even the silence understands
Laughter heard
for lifetimes to come
Love It’s not in the grand and perfect things
But the thrill of the small things to come
an eternal bond
one that never can be undone