Senior Takeover for the Class of 2025

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Published on: June 4, 2024

Did anyone catch that big horse on the soccer field last Wednesday? Yep, that was our Senior Takeover in action! Let me give you the inside scoop on how it all went down…

The Class of 2025 launched its senior takeover with a Roman Empire theme! Our senior officers, including Emily Alfaro as President, Abdias Gutierrez as Vice President, Ha Young Kim as Secretary, and Matthew Bachert as Treasurer, worked tirelessly to pull off this unforgettable event. Special thanks to our senior advisors, Mr. Bain and Ms. McFall, for their guidance!

First off, planning for the event actually started a week before the senior takeover. The senior officers were busy trying to get the themed shirts ready in time for the takeover. Unfortunately, due to some size issues with the initial company, we had to switch companies and couldn’t get the shirts by Wednesday. So, people decided to wear red shirts instead. We also planned to buy masks and swords to dress up as Roman soldiers through Amazon Prime. Thankfully, Mr. Bain caught that these were kids’ masks and swords for ages 6-10! We almost wore little kids’ crafts for the senior takeover, which would have been funny because we would have ended up looking like we were in a kindergarten craft class.

Also, for the first time, we rented a horse as a representation of the Roman Empire! For future classes who might want to reference this, the horse costs $30 in total. It was a healthy, muscular horse and quite cost-effective.

We also want to give a shout-out to Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Smith who let us borrow 12 hand drums and Cynthia Sandal who made the senior flag! Furthermore, in the end, our president handmade helmets for everyone, and along with her, others brought wooden swords. It turned out amazing!

Here is our list of materials:

We tried to keep the event top secret, but the horse arrived 30 minutes early and caught everyone’s attention in the field. Future seniors take note: make sure to hide anything you bring well!

Now to the actual event. Jenner was nominated to be the lost astronaut, dressed in the astronaut costume representing the current class of 2024’s theme. The event began approximately at 12:00 PM, around the start of lunch. We gathered in Mr. Quiroz’s room. Jenner, our astronaut, started running around the school yelling for help while being chased by us Romans. We stood firm in lines of five and began marching with their helmets and swords as soon as the horse came from the back. The horse owner participated as part of the army, carrying the flag onto the soccer field. The astronaut then ran past the upper courts, stole the flag, and ran toward the lunch tables. Mr. Bain, our general, blew a giant horn and motioned a charge, and everyone ran after the astronaut. The horse performed amazing tricks in front of the crowd. The Roman soldiers made noises with horns and drums and set off colored smoke bombs with loud music. Eventually, we caught up with the astronaut, taking over the senior tables and capturing the astronaut.

In the end, the senior takeover was a great success. We want to give a huge shout-out to everyone who helped make it happen and congratulate the current seniors for finishing the year strong. We also encourage our upcoming seniors to have an amazing and memorable year!

The senior officers showed great leadership in organizing and cleaning up!