Archived: Senior Questions- Emma Edgar - Archived

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Published on: October 8, 2017


  • If you could describe your life in school in 3 words, what would it be?  Stressful, fun, stellar.
  • What would you say is your best memory from school? Any memory that has to do with people.
  • If you could relive a school year, which one would it be and why? None of them. Why would anyone ask for another year?
  • What advice would you give to your freshman self? Work hard. Rebel more but peacefully. No shame, fam.
  • Who has impacted you the most in this school? Mr. Casa
  • What are your likes and dislikes? I love people, learning. Dislikes would be uniform, stupid rules that are blown out of proportion.
  • What do you plan to study at college? Where do you want to go? USA, somewhere in the south.
  • Where do you see yourself ten years from now? Optimistically: successfully making relations with people. Still single, with 3 dogs and an apartment with friends. Pessimistically: dead in the ground. Realistically: single with dogs and an apartment with the bests, a good job that I get to be around people all day.
  • What is something most people don’t know about you?  I dunno, you’d have to ask them.
  • Any words for the upcoming seniors and high school students in general? Don’t quit. You’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel soon. Don’t forget to have social interactions, SCHOOL IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE. Working to the best of your abilities is key. Enjoy the time you have left. Don’t waste it on things that don’t deserve it.