Archived: A Letter From the Editors - Archived

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Published on: October 12, 2015

Hi. We’re Kaitlyn Vanderwees and Peter Edgar.

For the past month, we’ve been working on making a vision a reality: a student-run newspaper that is by the people, for the people of the NCA Community.

Kaitlyn: Yo realmente creo que el periodismo abre una entera nueva parte de tu pensamiento, la cual te enseña a analizar lo que estas leyendo y te ayuda a guardar información. Para mí, es una gran pena que los estudiantes de NCA raramente tienen la oportunidad de ser parte de algo como esto, y si la tienen, siempre es por una nota la cual tiene un efecto negativo en la creatividad del estudiante. Mi esperanza para el periodico escolar es que los estudiantes puedan usarlo como una plataforma en la cual puedan hablar sobre sus intereses, y donde generalmente puedan expresarse libremente en temas que quieran compartir con la comunidad de NCA.

Peter: When Kaitlyn first approached me about the newspaper at the end of last year, I was stoked. Since HACIA Democracy XXI, I’ve discovered how much of a joy it is for me to work in journalism. The process of investigating, writing, proofing, and publishing is so fun to me, and I’m excited to be able to help other students explore it as well. My personal vision for the Eye is for students to have an outlet for their ideas and opinions. It will also serve as a forum where parents, teachers, and the NCA community can respond to what they read.

We hope that you enjoy reading the NCA Eagle Eye as much as we do producing it. If you have anything you want to share, you can send your submissions to We’d love to hear from you!

Coming soon as well: Facebook and Instagram!