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Powerpuff Girls

We all know who the Powerpuff Girls of NCA are. The three wonderful ladies that meet us everyday when we are at our lowest. Either hungry, tired, or both, these three are always ready to give us coffee and snacks. For that reason, we have dedicated this article to them. 

First, the head chef. Blanca ¨Blanquita¨ Morales is in charge of making the lunches for NCA students and faculty. With twenty one years of working at NCA, she beats her coworkers. And although NCA Nejapa is closer to her house, she works at International because Nejapa did not exist when she started working. 

Currently, she helps direct a soccer league in her spare time. ¨Juventus¨ is a local soccer team and league coordinator that she and her son lead. Blanquita enjoys sports overall, especially watching people play. Similarly, she enjoys serving NCA in the kitchen making and handing kids their food. She wishes all of NCA students to have God in their hearts, and make Him the center of attention whilst keeping their grades up, and appreciates NCA for providing a Christian-centered life. 

Next is Francis Franco. Described as the ¨protocol queen¨ by her coworkers, she is mostly in charge of checkout. With 18 years on the job, Francis has seen a lot of NCA graduates grow up and start families, and hope the current students are able to integrate well into society. 

One of her biggest concerns for students is that times are different now than before. It appears, she says, that nowadays there are more distractions in general for our kids, and that she herself has fallen into those distractions. She’s an avid telenovela addict, and loves the drama in movies and novelas. Additionally, Francis loves her plants, and gladly appreciates anyone who gives her plants for her garden. 

Last, but not least, is Daisy Garcia, head of the cafeteria and secondary chef. With 14 long years at school, Daisy has enjoyed watching kids and the school events. Although she lives very far, near the first Montelimar entrance on the Carretera Vieja a Leon highway, she thanks NCA for allowing her to spend time with her daughter, who is now 22. 

Apart from managing the cafeteria, Daisy helps wherever she can. Most days are made up of a little of everything, she says, and rarely do they have set in stone responsibilities. One thing she would like to stress to students is for us to enjoy our parents. For her, parents and time are two things God has given us that most people take for granted. 

These three wonderful ladies have served many generations of NCA graduates. And although they are called everything from Miss to Doñita, they could care less as long as students feel better leaving the cafeteria than when they entered.  On behalf of the Class of 2024, and the student body, I would like to thank the cafetín ladies for all their hard work. 

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