Table of Contents


Create a table of contents for all of your previous assignments.

  1. Create a new webpage in Notepad. Save the file as TableOfContents.html and make sure it is saved into your Assignments folder (inside your Web Design folder).
  2. Set the page title to My Assignments and add a centered level-1 heading with the same text.
  3. Make a left-aligned Level-2 Heading with your firstname and lastname.
  4. Add a Horizontal Rule.
  5. Create an Ordered List with one item for each assignment since the beginning of the year.
    1. Demo
    2. About Me
    3. Color Display
    4. Basefont
    5. Recent Presidents
    6. Multiplication Table
    7. Puzzle
    8. Random Things
  6. Make each of these List Items a Link to the appropriate assignment. (Keep in mind that the links will only work if your assignments and the Table of Contents page are all located in the same folder.)
  7. Add a Horizontal Rule.
  8. Add a link to e-mail you for more information.
  9. Check to make sure that all the links work properly. (Use the Back button on your browser to return to the Table of Contents page.
  10. Format the text on your page using the Face, Size, and Color properties.
  11. Save the modified file.
  12. Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.