Special Links


Create a web page to demonstrate a variety of link styles.

  1. Create a new document and name it speciallinks.html.
  2. Make a centered, level-1 heading that says, “Even More Links.”
  3. Add a horizontal rule.
  4. Add a paragraph that says, “This is an example of an absolute link.”
  5. Add a line break and add a link to another webpage such as espn.com, cnn.com, www.nca.edu.ni, or you favorite website.
  6. Alter the link so that it pops up in a new window when you click on it.
  7. Add another line break and then write some text to let the user know that a new window is going to pop up.
  8. Start a new paragraph that says, “This is an example of a link to an anchor on another page.”
  9. Add a line break and a link to your Dictionary assignment, Letter S.
  10. Start a new paragraph that says, “This is an example of using an Access Key.”
  11. Add a line break and a link to your About Me page.
  12. Modify the code so that if the user presses Alt+M, that link will be selected.
  13. Add some text that lets the user know about the access key.
  14. Add another horizontal rule.
  15. Find your small picture (from the class Network folder) and save a copy of it to your images folder (in Web Design).
  16. Center it on the page underneath the last horizontal rule.
  17. Start another new web document and name it bigpicture.html.
  18. Make a level-1 heading that says your first and last name.
  19. Add a horizontal rule.
  20. Then find the large image of your photo on the class folder and save it to your images folder.
  21. Center the large photo on the bigpicture.html page underneath the Horizontal Rule.
  22. Go back to the speciallinks.html page. Add code so that when a user clicks on the small picture, she will be taken to the page with your larger picture.
  23. When you are finised, add this assignment to your TableOfContents.html page.
  24. Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.