Recent Presidents


Create a summary of the last ten presidents of the United States.

  1. Create a new text document in Notepad and save it with the filename president.html.
  2. Set the page title to United States Presidents.
  3. Add a Level-1 Header, centered at the top in dark red text, The Presidents of the United States.
  4. Add a Level-2 Header, centered in dark blue text, Summary by (your first and last name).
  5. Add a horizontal rule.
  6. Add a Level-3 Header with the text Ten Most Recent Presidents.
  7. Visit the web site for a list of presidents. Enter into the details of each of the most recent ten presidents.
  8. Copy pictures of each of these ten presidents from the class folder on the network to your web design folder.
  9. Starting with the earliest President, add the image with left alignment (text wrapping).
  10. Add alternative text that says Portrait of (name).
  11. Set the width of your picture to 150 pixels. Do not specify the height so that the picture resizes proportionally.
  12. On the next line (which will appear to the right because of text wrapping), add the text 35th President: followed by his name in bold text.
  13. Just below the name, in regular font, write where and when the President was born.
  14. On the following line, add a “clear” line break to move past the picture. The HTML code is <br clear="left">. Then, skip another line.
  15. Add the remaining 9 Presidents in the same manner.
  16. After the last President, add a “clear” line break and a horizontal rule.
  17. At the bottom of the page, in centered italic text size “-2”, add credit to your source, such as the following: Information taken from The White House website,, (today’s date).
  18. Save the modified file.
  19. Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.