Multiply in Color


Modify your multiplication table to make it neater and add color.

  1. Open your multiply.html file for editing.
  2. Set the color for all the cells in the table to a light yellow (mix mostly Red and Green).
  3. Change the color for the first row of cells to a light red (mix mostly Red with some Green and less Blue).
  4. Change the color of the first cell in each row to the same light red.
  5. Set the width of all columns the same, choosing a width similar to that shown in the example.
  6. Set the height of all rows to the same as the column width to make square cells.
  7. Center the number in each of the cells of the table. Hint: This can be done one row at a time.
  8. Make the table centered on the page.
  9. Add a background color to the page that contrasts the other colors.
  10. Change the heading colors (and if necessary change the text color of the multiplication table.)
  11. Save the modified file.
  12. Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.
