Show Me the Money

Use the following guidelines to format an article for easier reading.

  1. In your “My Documents” folder create a new folder called “CompApps”.
  2. Open Show Me the Money and save a copy into your CompApps folder. OR find the file on My Network Places –> Classes –> CompApps –> WP –> Show Me the Money.
  3. Change the margins to ¾” on top, bottom, left and right.
  4. Add a right-aligned header with the your last name and the page number.
  5. Add a centered footer with the current date (updates automatically).
  6. Using Format à Columnss, set the document to use two columns with a separator of 0.05 pts between the columns. (Use a spacing of 0.20″.)
  7. Using Find and Replace, make every occurrence of the word “player” appear in bold green text. (Hint: Find and Replace the same word, click “More Options” and then “Format” for extra options and then format the “Replace with” text.)
  8. Make every occurrence of the word “owner” appear in bold red text.
  9. Select all text and set the alignment to Justified.
  10. Add a sports-related picture to page 3 and set the text to wrap around it using either the Page Wrap or Contour wrapping style.
  11. Save the modified file. It will be graded in your folder.
