Internet Uses Report

Write a report describing the main four uses of the Internet, giving
specific examples of web sites that match each category.

  1. Write a report detailing each of the four main uses of the Internet —
    commerce, communication, entertainment, and information. For each of the
    purposes, write a paragraph describing how the Internet helps people in
    that area. Find a clear example of a website that achieves each purpose
    and write about that example, including the URL, a description of the site,
    and how it exemplifies that purpose.
  2. Add screenshots of the four example websites. To do this, visit the
    site and press the Print Screen button on your keyboard. Then, go to
    Word and click on Paste. Resize the image to less than half the width of
    the page and change to Square wrapping style. Move the image as necessary.
  3. Make sure you have a standard heading with your name, class, and date.
  4. Add a header with your last name and page number, right-aligned.
  5. The report should be double-spaced and fill two pages. Indent the first
    line of each paragraph.
  6. Save the report with the name Internet Uses in your Computer Applications folder.
  7. Print the report on two pages or one page (front and back).

Don’t forget how to correct use the NCA Paper Guidelines.
