Use the Internet to research and write a report about a current event.
- Visit an online news source. You may choose from the following:
- (Username: ncaeagles, Password: eagles)
- Select a current news story and read the article.
- In Microsoft Word, take notes on the article. Include the title, author and URL of the source. Do not use copy and paste.
- Visit another online news source and find the same event. Read the article.
- Add to your notes in Open Office Writer.
- Write a brief (about 200 words) report on the event. Your report should include (1) a factual description of what happened and (2) your reaction to the event. Use information from both sources.
- Make sure your report is written using standard report guidelines (Times New Roman 12, 1″ margins, heading with name, class, date, double-spaced, header with page number, and the body has indent paragraphs).
- At the bottom of the report, cite your sources using proper MLA format. Remember to add “Works Cited” then list your sources. Use a hanging indent.
- Save the report with the name Current Event.
- Print page out and submit to teacher.