Art Info


Make a web page to display and provide basic information about two famous paintings.

  1. Create a new file in your assignments folder called artinfo.html.
  2. Write the basic HTML structure, using the title Art Info.
  3. In the body, create a table the same width as the browser window for the purpose of layout.
  4. Use a cell padding of 20 pixels in the layout table.
  5. Using your knowledge of using tables for layout, create a page similar to the one shown in the example below.
    1. Find two famous paintings on the Internet, different from the example.
    2. Center each of the images in the left layout cell, and set the image width to 200 pixels.
    3. To the right of each picture, create a small table with information about the painting.
    4. The info should have the same type of shading and font choices as shown in the example.
  6. Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.
