Create a table of contents for all of your previous assignments.
- Create a new webpage in Notepad. Save the file as TableOfContents.html and make sure it is saved into your Assignments folder (inside your Web Design folder).
- Set the page title to My Assignments and add a centered level-1 heading with the same text.
- Make a left-aligned Level-2 Heading with your firstname and lastname.
- Add a Horizontal Rule.
- Create an Ordered List with one item for each assignment since the beginning of the year.
- Demo
- About Me
- Color Display
- Basefont
- Recent Presidents
- Multiplication Table
- Puzzle
- Random Things
- Make each of these List Items a Link to the appropriate assignment. (Keep in mind that the links will only work if your assignments and the Table of Contents page are all located in the same folder.)
- Add a Horizontal Rule.
- Add a link to e-mail you for more information.
- Check to make sure that all the links work properly. (Use the Back button on your browser to return to the Table of Contents page.
- Format the text on your page using the Face, Size, and Color properties.
- Save the modified file.
- Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.