Color Display


Create a new web page to demonstrate colors.

  1. Create a new text document in Notepad, and save it in your assign folder with the name colors.html
  2. Title the document Color Display.
  3. Begin the body with a centered Level 1 Heading with the same text as the title.
  4. Add a left-aligned Level 2 Heading with the text Simple Colors.
  5. Start an Unordered List.
  6. On the first bullet, add the text Red in its own color and bold text (so the color can be seen better). Try to do the right color code without looking at the color chart.
  7. After the word Red (on the same line), type in black text the code you used in parenthesis.
  8. Add bullets for the remaining primary and secondary colors: Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. Include the color codes. Note that orange may be a difficult color to create using light primary colors. Try it anyway, without looking at the color chart.
  9. End the list and add a horizontal rule.
  10. Add a new left-aligned Level 2 Heading with the text Complex Colors.
  11. Create a similar bulleted list with six more colors. Try to invent the colors without looking at the color chart.
  12. Add a horizontal rule.
  13. Center the text This display created by in a 10 pixel size black, arial font.
  14. On the next line, center your name in a 20 pixel fun font of your choice (with two backup fonts).
  15. Make each letter of your name a different color. Be sure to choose colors that are not so bright that they are difficult to read.
  16. Save the modified file.
  17. Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.