Facts in Color


Add color to your facts web page.

  1. Open your aboutme.html file for editing.
  2. Change the color of the Level-1 Heading to the brightest Blue possible.
  3. Set the colors of all the Level-2 Headings on the page to #009900.
  4. Find the place in the first Paragraph that names the city in which you were born. Make the name of the city Bold, then change the color of the city to the brightest Red possible.
  5. Go to the “Gender” line under “My Statistics.” Make your response Bold. Then if you’re a male; make it a shade of Blue, if you’re a female; make it a shade of Pink.
  6. Go to the “Hair Color” line under “My Statistics”. Make your response bold. Then try to change the color to match the color of your response (blonde = yellow, brown = brown, etc).
  7. Do the same thing on the “Eye Color” line under “My Statistics”.
  8. Do the same thing on the “Color” line under “My Favorites”.
  9. Go to the “My Goals” section. Pick the goal that you think will be the hardest to reach. Make it bold and set to color to a shade of Orange.
  10. Set both of the Horizontal Rules on the page to 10 pixels high.
  11. Set the Background Color of the page to #CCFFFF
  12. Save the modified file.
  13. Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.