Create a web page with facts about yourself.
- Create a new text document in Notepad, and save it in your assign folder with the name aboutme.html
- Set the title of the page to your first and last name.
- In the
portion of your page, make a Level 1 Heading that says your first and last name. - Modify the Heading tag so that it is centered on the page.
- Beneath that add a Horizontal Rule.
- Make a Level 2 Heading that says: Personal Information
- Under that write a Paragraph that includes answers to the following questions:
- How old are you?
- Where were you born?
- Where do you live right now (your address)?
- How many brothers and sisters do you have?
- Are you the oldest of your siblings, youngest, or somewhere in between?
- Underneath add another Level 2 Heading that says: My Statistics
- Create an Unordered (Bulleted) List with the following List Items:
Gender: Height: Hair Color: Eye Color: Shoe Size:
- Put your responses behind every item (e.g. Gender: Female).
- Underneath add another Level 2 Heading that says: My Favorites
- Create an Unordered (Bulleted) List with the following List Items:
Color: Movie: Book: Class: Teacher: Number: Sport:
- Put your responses behind every item (e.g. Color: Blue).
- Italicize the name of the movie (e.g. Movie: Star Wars).
- Underline the name of the book (e.g. Book: The Hobbit).
- Underneath add another Level 2 Heading that says: My Goals
- Below write a Paragraph that says: My goals for this year are:
- Create an Ordered (Numbered) List of three of your goals for this year.
- Beneath that add a Horizontal Rule.
- Save the modified file.
- Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.