
Create a web page with facts about yourself.

  1. Create a new text document in Notepad, and save it in your assign folder with the name aboutme.html
  2. Set the title of the page to your first and last name.
  3. In the <BODY> portion of your page, make a Level 1 Heading that says your first and last name.
  4. Modify the Heading tag so that it is centered on the page.
  5. Beneath that add a Horizontal Rule.
  6. Make a Level 2 Heading that says: Personal Information
  7. Under that write a Paragraph that includes answers to the following questions:
    • How old are you?
    • Where were you born?
    • Where do you live right now (your address)?
    • How many brothers and sisters do you have?
    • Are you the oldest of your siblings, youngest, or somewhere in between?
  8. Underneath add another Level 2 Heading that says: My Statistics
  9. Create an Unordered (Bulleted) List with the following List Items:
    Gender:   Height:   Hair Color:   Eye Color:   Shoe Size:
  10. Put your responses behind every item (e.g. Gender: Female).
  11. Underneath add another Level 2 Heading that says: My Favorites
  12. Create an Unordered (Bulleted) List with the following List Items:
    Color:   Movie:   Book:   Class:   Teacher:   Number:   Sport:
  13. Put your responses behind every item (e.g. Color: Blue).
  14. Italicize the name of the movie (e.g. Movie: Star Wars).
  15. Underline the name of the book (e.g. Book: The Hobbit).
  16. Underneath add another Level 2 Heading that says: My Goals
  17. Below write a Paragraph that says: My goals for this year are:
  18. Create an Ordered (Numbered) List of three of your goals for this year.
  19. Beneath that add a Horizontal Rule.
  20. Save the modified file.
  21. Raise your hand and ask your teacher to grade your assignment on screen.